Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vaudevillgham Monthly Uncensored Variety Show Fundraiser

Bellingham Circus Guild on Iron Street presents its monthly Vaudevillingham, the monthly uncensored variety show fundraiser, on Nov. 15. with two shows at 8p.m. and 10p.m, respectively.

“Anybody who wants to perform can do it. They can do anything and everything as long as they don’t go fully naked,” Jason Quick, a one-armed juggler who has been in Vaudevillingham for almost three years, said.

The uncensored performance meant that the show is not limited to ‘kids only’ but hurtful or discriminatory acts are not allowed.

Raffle tickets went for sale at one for a dollar and six for five dollars. Funds raised from the Vaudevillingham goes into the guild to continue supporting circus arts community in Whatcom County.

 “We were short-handed previously but when we placed the call out, it became a full show,” Quick said.
The show started with a half-hour musical before moving into the acts, which lasted about an hour and a half.

When I'm performing, I'm seeking the best experience that I can for me and the audience,” Quick said.

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